Platinum Sponsor
Prominent exhibition space
Acknowledgment of sponsorship on Stage Banners and SOA 47th ASM website (hyperlink to company’s website)
Lunch symposium - included lunch and standard AV support; excludes operating costs for engaging speaker
Company’s name printed on the lanyard.
Exhibitor admission – 12 passes
Diamond Sponsor
Prominent exhibition space
Acknowledgment of sponsorship on Stage Banners and SOA 47th ASM website
(hyperlink to company’s website) -
Lunch symposium - included lunch and standard AV support; excludes operating costs for engaging speaker.
Exhibitor Admission – 8 passes
Gold Sponsor
Exhibition space
Acknowledgment of sponsorship on Stage Banners and SOA 47th ASM website
(hyperlink to company’s website) -
Lunch symposium – included standard AV support; excludes food and operating costs for engaging speaker.
Exhibitor Admission – 6 passes
Silver Sponsor
Exhibition space
Acknowledgment of sponsorship on Stage Banners and SOA 47th ASM website
(hyperlink to company’s website) -
Exhibitor Admission – 6 passes
Trade Exhibition Booth
Acknowledgment of sponsorship on 47th ASM website
Exhibition Admission – 3 passes
Trade Exhibition Booth
& Lunch Symposium at Breakout Room
Exhibition space
Acknowledgment of sponsorship on 47th ASM website
Exhibition Admission – 3 passes
Included lunch and standard AV support; excluded operating costs for engaging speaker.